Commercial quotes provided within 3-5 business days
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We can help you find the best design to suit your needs.
Tower Garden® is a unique aeroponic system suitable for both outdoor and indoor use, on rooftops and anywhere your imagination takes you.
Tower Farms are delivered as full-turnkey 100% automated solutions, and are perfect for professional growers, charities, community gardens, startup businesses, restaurants, hotels, schools, cafeterias, convention centers, building atriums & lobbies, airports (like in Chicago O’Hare), large families, etc.
Commercial towers are modular in size and are designed to grow up to 52 plants per tower. These are the only aeroponic systems which can be used indoors or outdoors. Tower Farms can be set up inside a building using grow lights.
Tower Farms also thrive on rooftops and are designed to sustain strong winds in heavy stormy climate conditions.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the specs of the aeroponic towers used in a Tower Farm?
Commercial towers are modular in size and can be configured as follows:
Towers For Regular Crops:
28 plants per tower • 1.8 m (height) • 7 stackable modular sections
36 plants per tower • 2.1 m (height) • 9 stackable modular sections
44 plants per tower • 2.5 m (height) • 11 stackable modular sections
52 plants per tower • 2.9 m (height) • 13 stackable modular sections
Towers For High-Density (Baby Greens):
100 plants per tower • 1.8 m (height) • 13 stackable modular sections.
132 plants per tower • 2.1 m (height) • 17 stackable modular sections.
164 plants per tower • 2.5 m (height) • 21 stackable modular sections.
196 plants per tower • 2.9 m (height) • 25 stackable modular sections.
– The bottom reservoir is 36 cm high and measures 73 cm in diameter. Although it has a 70 L capacity, it is filled with 50L when in use. It also features a floater device as part of the irrigation system and a drain valve.
– Regular planting pots are 19 cm high, 22 cm in diameter and feature 4 planting areas per pot.
– High-Density planting pots are 9.5 cm high, 22 cm in diameter and feature 8 planting areas per pot.
– Each tower is equipped with a 45 W small pump which is turned on 12 minutes per hour only (commercial towers are set on a timer to be turned on for 3 minutes and turned off for 12 minutes on a continuous cycle 24/7). That is a total of 4.8 hours of electricity usage per day.
– The inside of the tower is supported by 2 stainless steel rods.
What is the average cost of a Tower Farm?
The price per tower is as follows :
• 28 plants per tower • 1.8 m (height) • 7 stackable modular sections = $525
• 36 plants per tower • 2.1 m (height) • 9 stackable modular sections = $560
• 44 plants per tower • 2.5 m (height) • 11 stackable modular sections = $600
• 52 plants per tower • 2.9 m (height) • 13 stackable modular sections = $635
Microgreens towers:
• 112 plants per tower • 1.8 m (height) • 14 stackable modular sections. = $565
• 144 plants per tower • 2.1 m (height) • 18 stackable modular sections = $610
• 176 plants per tower • 2.5 m (height) • 22 stackable modular sections = $655
• 208 plants per tower • 2.9 m (height) • 26 stackable modular sections = $700
Volume discounts eligibility:
– 50 to 100 towers: 4% discount
– 100 to 300 towers: 7% discount
– 300 to 1000 towers: 10% discount
– 1000+ towers: 15% discount
A fully automated Tower Farm features an irrigation system which automatically delivers the water and the nutrients to each individual tower on an as-needed basis. It is fully automated and very simple to assemble and operate.
The price of an irrigation system varies depending on the number of towers featured in a Tower Farm… the average price range is as follows (for exact pricing, please send us a request for quotation and we will draft a proposal accordingly):
– $1750 for 10 towers
– $2500 for 50 towers
– $4000 for 100 to 150 towers
Nutrients cost $385 per set and will last on average 6 months supplying 30 towers ( average $1 to $2 per tower/per month/varies depending on crops and climate conditions).
The final amount of towers fitting in a container depends on the size of the towers ordered:
20 foot container (towers only):
– 150 towers (28 plants per tower/7 pots)
– 125 towers (36 plants per tower/9 pots)
– 110 towers (44 plants per tower/11 pots)
– 90 towers (52 plants per tower/13 pots)
20 foot container (full turnkey package including irrigation system fertilizers for one year, seedling supplies etc):
– 135 towers (28 plants per tower/7 pots)
– 100 towers (36 plants per tower/9 pots)
– 90 towers (44 plants per tower/11 pots)
– 70 towers (52 plants per tower/13 pots)
40 foot container (towers only):
– 300 towers (28 plants per tower/7 pots)
– 250 towers (36 plants per tower/9 pots)
– 220 towers (44 plants per tower/11 pots)
– 180 towers (52 plants per tower/13 pots)
40 foot container (full turnkey package including irrigation system, fertilizers for one year, seedling supplies etc):
– 250 towers (28 plants per tower/7 pots)
– 210 towers (36 plants per tower/9 pots)
– 180 towers (44 plants per tower/11 pots)
– 145 towers (52 plants per tower/13 pots)
The amount of towers fitting inside a container also depends according to the amount of accessories ordered (plant cages, propagation benches etc.) and the size of the initial stock of fertilizers.
Please contact your Tower Farm representative in order to customize the configuration of your Tower Farm thus allowing us to draft a precise proposal on your behalf based on your project.
All prices quoted above do not include shipping and are ex-factory from our warehouse in Memphis Tennessee.
What is the minimum purchase for a Tower Farm (commercial towers)?
The minimum order quantity for a Tower Farm is 10 towers.
A fully automated commercial Tower Farm system includes the nutrient distribution equipment and containers, the pumps, the irrigation system, the tubing, and connectors.
It is indeed a fully inclusive system which is really easy to assemble.
We deliver our aeroponic Tower Farm systems equipped with a fully automated irrigation system supplying the water and nutrients to each tower on an as-needed basis.
For example, a tower growing strawberries or tomatoes will require more water and nutrients than a tower growing parsley.
Our irrigation system automates the whole process regardless of the number of towers involved.
Can I purchase just 1 or 2 towers for testing purpose?
The minimum order that Tower Garden Ltd.’s headquarters in the USA would consider to sell for a test is a small Tower Farm featuring a minimum of 10 towers (see FAQ #3). The only way to test our technology on a commercial level is by using the towers in combination with its automated irrigation system which supplies precisely the water and fertilizer solution to each tower on an as-needed basis. Any lesser test would not be relevant to our technology as it would produce inferior results.
We sell our nutrients/fertilizers in bulk (1 nutrient set supplies 30 towers for 6 months/10 towers for 18 months). In other terms, such volume of nutrients would be overkill just for 2 towers. Our proprietary nutrient solution is key to our technology.
Furthermore, our Tower Farm systems are not “a novelty.” We have over 10 years of experience, and numerous Tower Farm references operating successfully in all climates including one similar to the one in the UAE. We are not in the ‘testing phase of development.’
In the world of aeroponic vertical farming, we are not only veterans, but also we were the pioneers of such technology over a decade ago. We are not one of these “Chinese-plastic-fantastic-cheap-tower” without references nor track record!
Our Tower Farm systems are being used by over 100,000+ customers and hundreds of profitable commercial Tower Farms worldwide.
This is why we feel that if someone truly wishes to test our aeroponic Tower Farm commercial systems, it should be done with a minimum of 10 towers. Any less could not lead to conclusive results to benchmarking the potential of our technology on the commercial level.
What is the crop yield of a Tower Farm (and recommended crops to grow commercially)?
From a “cash crop’ perspective, a Tower Farm operator farming in a climate controlled greenhouse environment should mainly focus on leafy greens and aromatic/medicinal herbs.
Although over 200 different crops can be grown successfully using our aeroponic tower technology and fertilizer solution, when it comes to farming vertically indoors, the overhead cost is calculated based on each square meter of operation.
Leafy greens and aromatic herbs do not outgrow the radius of the tower reservoir. It translates in more towers being able to fit within a specific area in comparison to growing tomatoes, cucumbers or any other vine related crops. When growing tomatoes or squash, the plants need to be supported by an outside structure. Whether growing beans, cucumbers or tomatoes, building outside grow cages defeats the purpose of farming vertically as it uses square footage which could be allocated a for more towers. A Tower Farm featured in a CEA environment is about reducing the water usage while increasing the crop yield by optimizing the space.
When considering growing tomatoes, cucumbers, beans or eggplants, there are other agricultural technologies which can compare to our towers in terms of crop yield and quality.
However, when it comes to growing leafy greens and herbs (aromatic and medicinal), we are in a league of our own, where no no other agricultural approach can compare to our aeroponic tower technology: aside from a staggering superior crop yield, our “green crops” feature a scientifically proven increase in nutrition density, antioxidant activity as well as in phenolic values (healthier, tastier, more fragrant and stronger texture).
Growing leafy greens and herbs that are so superior in terms of nutrient density also means more ‘robust’ plants featuring a stronger natural defense mechanism (no pesticide needed) and a significantly extended shelf life.
Yield varies in any growing system by crop, weather, seeding rate, and other factors. In good growing conditions, lettuce, herbs, and leafy greens will have an average yield of 100g to 175 g per port per 21-28 day growing cycle. Yield for fruiting vegetables like cucumbers and tomatoes depends on the variety and season. Here are the average crop yields which we experience at True Garden and Agrotonomy:
– Tomato cherries: up to 12 to 15 plants per tower maximum = 20 to 40 pounds per plant depending on the variety.
– Tomatoes “regular/ big size” up to 12 to 15 plants per tower maximum = 40 to 50 pounds per plant depending on the variety.
– Cucumbers: 15/20 plants per tower. A cucumber can vary between 100 g (or less) and 250 g. We can harvest about 15-30 cucumbers per plant (many more depending on variety, i.e. lemon cucumbers and other specialty varieties).
– Strawberries: 52 plants per tower. Depending on varieties, we have experienced from 100 g to 2.5 pounds per plant (whether we are growing wild strawberries varieties or large fruit varieties).
– Bell peppers: up to 20 plants recommended per tower maximum = up to 6 -8 pounds per plant depending on the variety.
– Eggplants: up to 15 to 18 plants recommended per tower maximum = 6 to 10 pounds per plant depending on the variety.
– Leafy green and herbs: 52 plants per tower. From 150g to 200g every 3 weeks . Once again, it all depends on the crop: it takes much longer for basil than it does for arugula… depending on varieties, harvest cycles vary from 14 days to 60 days with harvest cycles every 3 weeks on average.
Once again, the crop yield of a plant will depend on the quality of the seeds, the variety, the growing conditions (light, humidity, temperature, air circulation, elevation, EMFs, etc.).
At the bottom of the ‘beyond organic’ section of our website, we publish a comparative scientific study titled:
As irrefutably proven throughout this extensive scientific comparative research, Tower Garden® aeroponic commercial systems produce 35% to 50% crop yield increase in comparison to soil-based farming and conventional hydroponics.
What Tower Garden size is right for my Tower Farm?
Tower Garden is modular in size and can be configured as follows:
Regular crops:
– 5 Pots (20 plants per Tower Garden) – 1.4 m high.
– 7 Pots (28 plants per Tower Garden) – 1.8 m high.
– 9 Pots (36 plants per Tower Garden) – 2.1 m high.
– 11 Pots (44 plants per Tower Garden) – 2.5 m high.
– 13 Pots (52 plants per Tower Garden) – 2.9 m high.
High Density:
– 13 Pots (100 plants per Tower Garden) – 1.8 m high.
– 17 Pots (132 plants per Tower Garden) – 2.1 m high.
– 21 Pots (164 plants per Tower Garden) – 2.5 m high.
– 25 Pots (196 plants per Tower Garden) – 2.9 m high.
At Agrotonomy, outdoors, we use the 11 pots (44 plants), model. Even standing at 2.5 m high, in stormy conditions, the towers will sway back and forth but will not fall. It is impressive to witness how resilient these commercial aeroponic towers are throughout rough weather conditions.
Of course, when outdoors like at King Tower Farm in the Philippines, high winds can mean typhoon conditions and this is why working with 9 pots (36 plants) maximum may be strategically better.
When inside a greenhouse like at True Garden, to optimize the crop yield per square foot, we use the 13 pots (52 plants) per tower model since towers cannot be affected by the wind factor.
On a rooftop, depending on the amount of wind/height of the building, we recommend the 7 pots/ (28 plants) Tower Garden®.
The microgreens tower follows the same guidelines in terms of size recommendations whether farming outdoors or inside a greenhouse/indoors with lights.
Please be aware of the following:
– The 13 pots (52 plants) model is the same height as its counterpart, the 25 pots (196 plants) high-density tower!
– The 11 pots (44 plants) model is the same height as its counterpart, the 21 pots (164 plants) high-density tower!
– The 9 pots (36 plants) model is the same height as its counterpart, the 17 pots (144 plants) high-density tower!
– The 7 pots (28 plants) model is the same height as its counterpart, the 14 pots (132 plants) high-density tower!
The recommended size of the towers also depends on the crops being grown. For example, on a 13 pots tower, all 52 planting ports can be used to grow leafy greens or aromatic herbs. However, when growing eggplants, a shorter tower (9 pots/7pots) is better due to the weight of the fruit.
Some tower farmers use the 11 pots/44 plants outdoors 6 to 8 months out of the year (from spring to fall) and shorten the towers to 7 or 5 pots to use them with the LED light kits indoors in the winter.
Even indoors, like inside the Orlando convention center, a Tower Farm can thrive with towers configured with 11 pots (44 plants) with the appropriate artificial lights.
Within a school environment involving young children, we recommend the 5 pots (20 plants) which or the 7 pots ( 28 plants ). Both sizes can accommodate the LED light kit manufactured by Tower Garden®.
Of course, if we are talking about a Tower Farm for the cafeteria of a University like the one at UCLA, there is no size limitation.
In the educational market, the size of the towers depend on the age of the children, the facilities, and whether the towers are being used for educational purpose or to produce crops as a commercial Tower Farm (to feed the school).
Prior to selling a fully automated aeroponic Tower Farm system, we always consult with our customers to define the best tower size strategy for each project.
However, considering that Tower Garden aeroponic towers are modular in size and can be used indoors or outdoors, it opens a whole world of possibilities!
What is the High-Density Tower by Tower Garden®?
The aeroponic High-Density Tower by Tower Garden:
The High-Density Tower by Tower Garden was originally designed to grow microgreens (of course!) but is widely used to grow “petite vegetables” and wheatgrass.
Considering that every crop that has been ever tested scientifically growing on a Tower Garden shows an increase in nutrient density, people using wheatgrass therapeutically should truly consider wheatgrass grown on a High-Density Tower by Tower Garden for its superior nutrient values and increase in antioxidant properties.
Our High-Density Towers should be renamed “Strawberry Towers”! In fact, recent tests rank these towers as the only viable aeroponic tower solution to grow strawberries commercially. If you’re thinking about growing strawberries, these are the towers to do so!
Whether using rockwool or coco coir, there is no need for a planting basket nor a clip to plant the seedlings thus facilitating the process and reducing labor.
Like the regular towers, the High-Density Tower comes in sections/white planting pots as follows:
– 13 Pots (100 planting ports) – 1.8 m high
– 17 Pots (132 planting ports) – 2.1 m high
– 21 Pots (164 planting ports) – 2.5 m high
– 25 Pots (196 planting ports) – 2.9 m high
Indoors, with the LED light kit designed by Tower Garden, it is available for the following High-Density Tower model:
– 21 Pots (164 planting ports) – 2.5 m high
Outdoors, the maximum height is our High-Density Tower featuring 25 Pots (196 planting ports) – 2.9 m high
Within a CEA environment, in a climate-controlled greenhouse, we advise using the maximum size/height: 25 Pots (196 planting ports) – 2.9 m high to optimize space.
Anyway, whether they are called ‘High-Density Towers’ or whether they should be renamed ‘petite vegetable towers’, ‘wheat grass towers’ or ‘strawberry towers’, these towers are all about performance! They are perfectly complementary to our regular towers.
When buying a new Tower Farm, we advise our new customers to consider allocating a certain percentage of High-Density Towers within the total amount of towers ordered in the initial setup of the Tower Farm.
How much electricity does a commercial aeroponic tower use?
Let’s take the example of a Tower Farm featuring 10 towers and the electrical rate of $0.10 per kWh:
– 45 watts per pump x 4.8 hours per day (3 minutes on, 12 minutes off) multiplied by the number of Towers = total wattage/day
– So, it’s simply 45 x 4.8 x 10 = 2,160 watts = 2.16 kW per day multiplied by the local electrical rates.
– Example, local electricity rates are roughly $.10 per kWh in the US. So, a 10 Tower Farm would use 2.16 x .10 = $0.216 per day, or $6.48 per month.
How much water does a commercial aeroponic tower use?
On average, about 1 gallon (3.79 liters) of water per day per Tower multiplied by your local water rates.
Do you provide nutrients and/or can I use my own?
In the world of hydroponic/aeroponic farming, aside from light, weather conditions and the quality of the water, everything relies on the excellence of the nutrients used to feed the plants.
We use a proprietary nutrient ionic mineral solution which has been specifically formulated for our towers. Unlike most all commercial fertilizers and all commercial hydroponic fertilizer blends, we are not adding fillers, dyes, nor binding agents. We simply blend raw pure mineral salts into 5 gallon pails.
This 100% natural nutrients mix is the most unique mineral-based nutrient solution ever formulated: contrary to most conventional hydroponic farming where a different nutrient mixture is needed for almost each crop, our aeroponic mineral nutrient solution can be used for all vegetables, herbs, fruits, and flowers grown on our towers.
Aside from the purity of the minerals used to make our nutrient mix, our nutrient solution’s uniqueness truly lays in the fact that only one single nutrient solution is needed to grow all crops! The same nutrient solution is used to grow leafy greens, aromatic herbs, flowers or strawberries!
Our mineral solution has been specially formulated to support Tower Farms’ towers highly oxygenated environment and to be used for the seedling process thus creating healthier plants.
We invite you to visit the beyond organic section of our website where we publish a scientific comparative study for crop yield and nutrient density. We have tested and compared over 160 different crops grown on our towers against the best equivalent produce resulting from organic farming (soil-based). The results are staggering! Our crop yield is 35 to 50% superior to soil-based organic farming. In all cases, we have an average ranging from 30% to 65% nutrient density increase. Our vegetables are better…much better: this is not an advertising slogan, but something that we prove scientifically!
Any other quality hydroponic nutrient formula can be used in a Tower Farm: many Tower Farm operators (including ourselves) have performed comparative tests in the past, but no one has ever found a better nutrient formula than Tower Garden’s proprietary Tower Farm nutrient solution when it comes to crop yield and quality.
r rates.
How long does a set of nutrients last?
Each set of dry nutrients makes at least 10,000 gallons of finished solution at the full rate (example 1:200). The rate can be much lower (example 1:400) in warm season. Nutrients cost about $1.50 to $2 per tower per month depending on the crops grown and conditions (climate, outdoors vs. greenhouse etc.).
What is the Tower Garden made from?
Tower Garden is made from the safest high-end UV-stabilized, BPA-free, food-grade PC/ABS proprietary plastic formula.
The high-quality resins used by Tower Garden are compliant with both U.S. Food and Drug Administration guidelines for food contact and European guidelines for Restriction of Hazardous Substances. Our resin material is also completely opaque — Keeping light out, inhibiting algae growth.
The PC/ABS which has been engineered for the manufacturing of Tower Garden has been successfully tested for chemical leaching all the way to the nanoparticle.
Although technically our proprietary PC/ABS is considered to be plastic, Tower Garden is the only soilless-food growing-system which has been approved for LEED projects (LEED: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). In fact, Tower Garden has been approved for LEED projects due to the durability of the material used to build the towers, in conjunction with the low energy and high crop yield of our technology.
When it comes to agriculture, whether organic or nonorganic, whether soil-based or soilless, nutrients are stored in plastic containers; Hoses used for irrigation systems are petroleum derived; Tractors are fuel powered; Crops are stored in plastic containers after harvests, etc. Furthermore, organic agriculture uses tons of plastic mulch made from wasteful plastic material (which quality is far inferior to the material used to make our towers).
Our PC/ABS proprietary formula is the safest plastic ever engineered for agricultural-related equipment.
Some Tower Farms have been using the same towers for the last 10 years. The longevity of a Tower Garden is unparalleled in the hydroponics- aeroponics industry. No one in our industry uses a PC/ABS material as safe, as thick, and as durable whether used indoors or outdoors.
How does a Tower Farm automated irrigation system work?
Our irrigation systems have been designed to supply the water and fertilizers to each tower on an as-needed basis regardless of the amount of towers involved. A tower growing strawberries will require more water and nutrients than a tower growing parsley. Our irrigation system automates the whole process regardless of the amount of towers involved.
A Tower Farm irrigation system entails the following:
– Container for nutrients A
– Container for nutrients B
– Gravity tank (size varies according to the amount of towers).
– Dosatron nutrition automatic dozing system (2 or 3 units depending on Tower Farm set up and the quality of the water).
– Manifolds (size varies according to Tower Farm configuration)
– Floaters for each tower
– Valves for each tower
– Modification of each tower (holes drilling to accommodate floaters and valves).
– Tubing to supply water and nutrients (size of tubing depends on the size of the Tower Farm and its configuration).
Example of an irrigation system set up outdoors:
How much space needs to be allocated per tower?
Although technically a tower uses less than 1 m², we advise to allow 2 m² (approximately 20 ft.² ) per tower: this includes enough space for the towers, the dosing station, the aisle spacing, and the propagation bench area.
Can a Tower Farm operate indoor with LED lights?
Tower Farms can be equipped with a state-of-the-art adjustable LED light kit manufactured by Tower Garden® to operate indoor.
The Tower Farm’s LED light kits are for 11-pot towers (44 plants • 2.5m high) and each kit comes with 3 fixtures per tower.
Our commercial LED light kits can also work for 9-pot towers (36 plants • 2.1m high).
Please note though that our commercial LED light kit is NOT available for towers featuring 7-pot (28 plants • 1.8m high) nor 13-pot (52 plants • 2.9 m height).
What are the specifications of our LED light grow kit?
Each fixture is made up of 2 sections totaling 7.9 feet (2400 mm).
You must have 3 fixtures per commercial tower.
Technical specs are:
What is the labor involved to run a Tower Farm?
Not only our aeroponic systems allow to save 95% water, 90% space while reducing drastically the risks of pests, a Tower Garden® Farm requires 90% less labor in comparison to soil-based farming: under greenhouse conditions, 1 individual can manage up to 150 towers (7800 plants).
Is the Tower Garden a hydroponic tower or an aeroponic tower?
Technically, aeroponics is a branch of hydroponics. Although unique, aeroponic farming relies on water and soluble nutrients as well like conventional hydroponics.
However, in conventional hydroponics, the roots of the plants grow in a substrate and are immersed at all times in a constant flow of water enhanced with insufflated oxygen + soluble fertilizers.
With aeroponics, the roots of the plants just hang in the air and are fed intermittently. Due to the fact that the roots have 100% oxygen availability, the delivery of nutrients to the plant is unparalleled. The feeding cycles do not exceed a cumulated total of 15 minutes per hour. The roots are therefore just dangling in the air at least 45 minutes per hour. That’s right! The roots are simply hanging in the air at least 75% of the time thriving in a very highly oxygenated environment without substrate, without water, without soil…this is what defines aeroponics!
Contrary to general perception, what defines aeroponics is not how the roots are being fed. In fact, many “hydroponic/aeroponic aficionados” are under the impression that with a “true aeroponic system”, the nutrient solution must be administrated to the roots by means of high pressure mist system, or even better, atomized, like with fogponic technology.
A HPA (High Pressure Aeroponics) system has the ability to produce droplets which are 50 µm or less in diameter. Think about it this way, the diameter of a human hair is 80 µm on average! Droplets which are 50 µm are the perfect size for optimum delivery and intake to the roots.
An LPA (Low Pressure Aeroponics) system produces regular size droplets.
However, whether HPA or LPA, the end results in terms of crop yield and nutrient density are the same. Aeroponics is not about low-pressure/high-pressure and the micron size of the droplets, it is about having the roots just hanging in the air without feeding cycles at least 45 minutes out of the hour. Aero stands for Air and this applies for HPA and LPA systems.
However, it is proven that due to the size of the droplets when 50 µm or less in diameter, an HPA system requires less water and less nutrients than an LPA system. In fact, 50 µm in diameter is the optimum size for root absorption and this is why less is required to produce the same results.
Scientific comparative tests have proven that crops grown on Tower Garden aeroponic systems feature a superior nutrient density and show an increase in antioxidant and phenolic values. Furthermore, aeroponics delivers on average 35% increase in crop yield and 40% water savings in comparison to conventional hydroponics.
In a commercial Tower Farm, the feeding cycles are programmed to be on for 3 minutes, and off for 12 minutes, 24 hours per day. In other terms, the system is only on 12 minutes per hour (4×3 minutes). The plants’ roots are just hanging in the air without water nor nutrients for 48 minutes per hour!
Whether speaking about the residential model of the Tower Garden, or whether referring to Tower Garden technology used in a commercial Tower Farm, these towers are truly aeroponic towers!
Now, someone could argue that a Tower Garden is also a hydroponic tower… Oh well, we will not start a discussion on hydroponics versus aeroponics… We will not debate on the subject of alleged “true aeroponics” being misconceived by the notion of HPA versus LPA: the quality of crops, whether grown on a HPA or a LPA system are the same and far superior to regular conventional hydroponics.
Tower Garden has been manufacturing hundreds of thousands of aeroponic towers for over one decade. Tower Garden technology was the first aeroponic tower on the market (back then named Future Growing). Tower Garden is the pioneer of aeroponic tower technology and commercial Tower Farm systems.
What is the Tower Garden made from?
Tower Garden is made from the safest high-end UV-stabilized, BPA-free, food-grade PC/ABS proprietary plastic formula.
The high-quality resins used by Tower Garden are compliant with both U.S. Food and Drug Administration guidelines for food contact and European guidelines for Restriction of Hazardous Substances. Our resin material is also completely opaque — Keeping light out, inhibiting algae growth.
The PC/ABS which has been engineered for the manufacturing of Tower Garden has been successfully tested for chemical leaching all the way to the nanoparticle.
Although technically our proprietary PC/ABS is considered to be plastic, Tower Garden is the only soilless-food growing-system which has been approved for LEED projects (LEED: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). In fact, Tower Garden has been approved for LEED projects due to the durability of the material used to build the towers, in conjunction with the low energy and high crop yield of our technology.
When it comes to agriculture, whether organic or nonorganic, whether soil-based or soilless, nutrients are stored in plastic containers; Hoses used for irrigation systems are petroleum derived; Tractors are fuel powered; Crops are stored in plastic containers after harvests, etc. Furthermore, organic agriculture uses tons of plastic mulch made from wasteful plastic material (which quality is far inferior to the material used to make our towers).
Our PC/ABS proprietary formula is the safest plastic ever engineered for agricultural-related equipment.
Some Tower Farms have been using the same towers for the last 10 years. The longevity of a Tower Garden is unparalleled in the hydroponics- aeroponics industry. No one in our industry uses a PC/ABS material as safe, as thick, and as durable whether used indoors or outdoors.
Please enter the # amount of each type of tower to receive your estimated quote, or email us directly at [email protected]. You will receive an emailed copy of your quote. All commercial quote requests will be responded to within 3-5 days. Scroll up to check out our Commercial Towers FAQs for information, specs, and more!
Certified Resellers of Tower Farms
Vertical Aeroponic Farming
Let 5 Points Farm help you plan and/or design your Tower Farm regardless of the scope and size of your project! We look forward to hearing from you! Reach Out Today.